The meaning and use of “majd”

The meaning and use of “majd”

In today’s Mini Hungarian Lesson, we’ll dive into one of the most commonly used Hungarian words: "majd". This word is used very frequently in everyday Hungarian conversations, but it can be tricky for English speakers because there's no direct equivalent in English. If you’d rather watch a video lesson in Hungarian—with both Hungarian and English subtitles—you can check it out here (it’s free!):

What does "majd" mean?

The word "majd" indicates a future action, but in a very flexible, non-committal way. It can mean "later," "sometime," “soon,” "in the future," etc. Check out a short excerpt from a CLASSIC dialogue in our Daily Dose of Hungarian program:


  • Beszéltél már a könyvelővel?
  • Még nem. Majd beszélek vele.
  • Jó, de mikor?
  • Majd.
  • Mit jelent, hogy majd?
  • Egyszer. Valamikor. Ha lesz időm. És kedvem.
  • Ismerlek. Kedved soha nem lesz. (...)


  • Have you spoken to the accountant yet?
  • Not yet. I will talk to her.
  • Okay, but when?
  • Later.
  • What does later mean?
  • Sometime. At some point. When I have time. And feel like it.
  • I know you. You'll never feel like it. (...)

We use “majd”, for instance, when…

  • we want to avoid giving a specific time
  • we are not sure when something will happen
  • we want to politely delay or postpone something
  • we want to make a casual promise about the future

Common Phrases with "majd"

Here are some frequently used phrases, sentences using "majd" that you'll often hear in Hungarian conversations:

  • Majd még beszélünk! = Talk to you soon! (Literally: We'll talk more sometime.)
  • Majd később megcsinálom. = I'll do it later.
  • Majd meglátjuk. = We'll see.
  • Talán majd máskor. = Maybe another time.
  • Majd visszahívlak. = I'll call you back.
  • Majd megoldom valahogy. = I'll figure it out somehow.
  • Majd kiderül. = We'll find out. / It will turn out.
  • Majd szólj, ha ráérsz! = Let me know when you're free!
  • Majd átgondolom. = I'll think about it.

Language Learning Tip

The best way to master the use of "majd" is through exposure to natural Hungarian conversations (like our daily dialogues 😁). Pay attention to when and how native speakers use it, and you'll start developing an intuitive feel for this versatile word. For further useful phrases and study tips check out our free e-book, Speak Hungarian Like a Native. Subscribe below to get it now: